(520) 729-8292
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(520) 729-8292

Tucson Divorce Mediation Attorney

Compassionate Representation You Can Count On

Attorney Jane Jacobs

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

  • Gives complete control over the outcome
  • Saves time and is more efficient
  • Saves thousands in attorney fees

Certified Divorce Mediation in Tucson, AZ

Jane Jacobs is a certified mediator, offering affordable mediation services in the Tucson area. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available.

If you and your spouse can work amicably, and want to resolve your divorce in an efficient, cost-effective, and equitable manner, mediation may be the answer for you. Whether you have children or not, large assets, or a simple divorce, mediation allows you to manage your own divorce, so you and your spouse feel in control of the decisions being made about you and your family.

Arizona is a community property state. That means that from the date of the marriage, until the service of the divorce papers, you and your spouse share equally in all assets and/or debts acquired during that time (exceptions include gifts or inheritance).

Arizona law requires a minimum of 60 days from the service of divorce papers to the time a decree can be signed by the court. With mediation, you can easily reach a resolution that is fits within that timeframe, and save thousands in attorney fees.

The cost of mediation depends on how long it takes to reach a resolution. The key to an efficient mediation is to organize financial records, information about any property, debts, bank accounts, etc. Having a clear picture of the community makes a fair division much easier to achieve.

If minor children are involved in a divorce, the court requires that both parents take the Parent Education class. This is a one-time class that is available on-line. This class must be completed prior to any final orders being entered.

Additionally, the court requires a parenting plan and a child support order. The mediator can assist you in preparing these documents in a fair and equitable manner, to provide for the best interest of your child(ren).

Mediation can also help you reach a partial settlement, and narrow the issues for further efforts. For example, you may be able to settle all issues relating to your child(ren), and reserve financial issues for a later time. Settling partial divorce issues is not uncommon, and can save time and money.

A mediator does not represent either party, and it is recommended that both parties seek independent legal advice to answer specific legal questions they may have.

Contact Us Today

Please call today to see if mediation is right for you and your spouse.

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